Installation of the “Smart Home” system is carried out according to a strictly defined plan. The following stages of installation of the “Smart Home” system are provided.
- Preparation and collection of necessary documentation, information (building plans, preferences and wishes of the customer regarding the modernization of premises).
- Elaboration of a project sketch, a proposal with a description of the equipment to be installed, illustrations and approximate costs. Preparation of an application describing the components used and their cost.
- Coordination of the cost, system configuration.
- Conclusion of the contract.
- Development of project documents and terms of reference. Together with the customer it is specified details of realisation of system of automation, the necessary documentation is developed, the specification of accessories and account materials is specified.
- Acquisition of equipment.
- Installation works.
- Programming, starting-up and adjustment works.
- Maintenance.

Stage-by-stage installation of the “Smart Home” system is a guarantee of quality and the ability to implement any complexity projects. Reliable smart home installation service in New York offers not just cheaply buy any equipment and components that will require the installation of an intelligent home, they perform all work on a turnkey basis: from the project to commissioning.
Step-by-step installation Smart Home
The need for a step-by-step installation is primarily due to the desire to create an automation system that will precisely meet customer requirements. The collection of primary data and the explanation of the system’s operating principles is therefore one of the most important steps. The installation sequence of the Smart Home system does not change, but corrections and changes can be made at each stage of its implementation. The final estimate for the equipment and work behavior is formed only after a thorough analysis of the object, coordination with the client and creation of the working project. The working project is preceded by the creation of the preliminary technical project.

The prices for each stage of the system installation depend on many factors, so the services include the mandatory visit of a specialist to the site of future works. It is better to initially get acquainted with photos, video examples, installed systems Smart Home, see how this or that component works, as well as read customer feedback.
What is Smart Home
Smart Home is an integrated automation system for controlling various devices located in a private house or apartment. The first appearance of such a system is fixed in the middle of the twentieth century, and only now it is becoming widespread, more and more consumers choose this way to control the technical equipment of the living space. The system consists of many elements, so you should first study each of them in more detail. This will help you make the right decision in the end.
Smart Home is a set of three main directions:
- improving the safety of life;
- improving the comfort of life;
- efficiency and economy of resource consumption.

The main disadvantage of installing a smart home system is the cost of equipment. The disadvantage is very subjective, because the system may consist for each house from its own number of engineering solutions. But a fully staffed and automated home will cost the owner quite expensive. Despite the disadvantages, the system of smart home is being chosen by an increasing number of consumers. This convenience and comfort, which is provided not at the expense of personal free time – is the newest technology of the future.