- WORK PRODUCT OWNERSHIP. Any copyrightable works, ideas, discoveries, inventions or other information (collectively, the “Work Product”) developed in whole or in part by BizBox876 in connection with the Services shall be the exclusive property of Bizbox876. Your content (logo, patents, products information trademark etc.) remains your content. Please note, we do not verify the content that you make available for the service.
- If your content is published in public areas of the service, then you agree that anyone viewing the content may use that content. When you publish your content on this service, you grant them free, nonexclusive permission to use your information to reproduce, distribute, display, transmit, and communicate to others, the products and services made available by BizBox876. If you don’t want others to have those rights, don’t use the service to share your content.

- You understand that BizBox876 may need to edit or modify content posted on the service solely to the extent necessary to provide the service. BizBox876 retains rights to display the artwork in portfolio and advertising materials. All concepts or any preliminary materials which are designed by BizBox876 and is not selected by the client or are not included in the final delivery, remain the full property of BizBox876. This does not include copyright or proprietary material.
- CONFIDENTIALITY. BizBox876 will not at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, use client’s information for the personal benefit of BizBox876 or divulge, disclose, or communicate in any manner any information that is proprietary to Client. BizBox876 will protect such information and treat it as strictly confidential. This provision shall continue to be effective after the termination of this Agreement.
- Upon termination of this Agreement, BizBox876 will return to Client or discard all records, notes, documentation and other items that were used for the services provided by BizBox876 during the term of this Agreement. Unless stated in a signed Form of Release by Client or by Court Order, BizBox876 will not release any information to anyone, by word of mouth from Client.
- LIABILITY. BizBox876 is not liable for any loss, damages or delay of client project due to circumstances beyond BizBox876’s control. Such circumstances may include, but is not limited to: Acts of God, public unrest, power outages, inability to contact client, client not making available the necessary resources, ISP down-time, and information unavailable upon request. In the event of such loss, damages or delays, BizBox876 will make every effort to notify the client immediately.
- LIABILITY LIMITATION: You can recover from BizBox876 and our affiliates only direct damages up to an amount equal to your service fee for one month. You cannot recover any other damages, including consequential, lost profits, incidentals, or punitive damages. The limitations and exclusions apply to anything related to this contract, for example: The service, loss of data, content (including code) on third-party websites, third-party programs, or third-party conduct accessed via the service. Incompatibility between the services of BizBox876 and other services software.
- TERM/TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated in email or registered post by Client up to 72 hours of agreeing to our services. A 20% service charge may be deducted for work done to date.
- SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed and enforced as so limited.

- PAYMENT: Agree to pay in full for the project being requested. Payments are considered fully earned and as such non-refundable. G.C.T. is NOT included in any of the prices quoted.
- CASH payments are NOT accepted by ANY BizBox876 sales associate in excess of $30,000. Payments are also accepted by cheque, and credit/debit card.