Recently, advertising on billboards has become the most effective tool in small and large advertising campaigns. The biggest advantage of such advertising is its daily, mass impact on a huge number of people. In large cities, advertising on billboards, and also plays in favor of the company’s unobtrusive. After all, many people are tired and annoyed by the endless television advertising, and the shield is neutral and always attracts attention. The advantage of the shield compared to radio or television advertising is obvious – the ability to put it exactly where you often have your target audience. So if you decide to open a small restaurant, the billboard, standing nearby, will be a very effective tool for you to attract hungry and tired people.
It is also important that, choosing the billboard carrier of your advertising, you can easily adjust its size, dimensions based on your preferences and taste. The base and the frame of the shield can be made of different materials. But, as a rule, the base consists of reinforced concrete blocks, and the board itself is made of plywood, which has moisture resistant properties. There are many different custom signs in NYC which can be an excellent tool in advertising.

The most popular types of boards are structures located on the sides of the streets, with lively traffic. They are also called trunk shields. Such structures are relatively cheap and at the same time due to the large number of people who look at them daily, quite effective.
A billboard made of banner fabric has a more impressive effect than a glued paper structure. But there are also some nuances. And what can be good in one case, absolutely not fit in another. Today, rotating shields are very common. They perfectly perform their function, with built-in backlighting – around the clock.
Many firms use in advertising small boards, urban format. They are conveniently placed at public stops, on the roadsides, just as an independent construction. Such a carrier, as a rule, is backlit and works for its boss and at night. The only thing about these boards is that they have an increased demand for the quality of printed information. After all, outdoor advertising from small billboards people read, coming close to them. You can also attach the boards to vehicles, to the wall of a bus or truck. Whichever type of media shield you choose, you can initially be confident in its effectiveness. You can also order a real estate sign design if you want a high level service.
At present, light boxes are one of the most commonly used types of outdoor advertising. They enjoy such popularity due to their relatively low cost and high efficiency. You will not find more than one large metropolis without this type of advertising. It is very effective and beautiful in the dark, you can see a large number of light boxes in different cities. It is also a decoration of streets and cities.

Both during the day and at night, these devices are the most informative advertising media. Thanks to the possibility of producing light boxes of any shape and configuration, as well as lighting with incandescent lamps with low voltage, neon lights, fluorescent lamps or LEDs, light boxes well attract the attention of passers-by and stand out among the signs with city advertising. The most durable light sources are LEDs.
The shape of the three-dimensional light boxes resemble boxes. Most often used one-sided boxes of simple shape, with a single front panel, which is applied to various inscriptions and images of advertising. There are also light boxes with shaped contours, which are three-dimensional panels of different geometric shapes, which may have additional elements and details.